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December 03, 2016

Schweizer Familie x ZigZagZurich - Stormclouds Bedding From Carmen Boog

Schweizer Familie x ZigZagZurich - Stormclouds Bedding From Carmen Boog-ZigZagZurich

Out now in this months Schweizer Familie, featuring Stormclouds by Carmen Boog.

Schweizer Familie x ZigZagZurich - Stormclouds Bedding From Carmen Boog

It quickly is brewing, swallows the light and creates the crackling tension in the air which only discharges with a roll of thunder.

Thunderstorms fascinate in its original force. There’s no storm like another. This impulsive character can be found also in the works of the Swiss textile designer Carmen Boog. Hand bleached fabrics are the base for her bedlinens for ZZZ and attest of energy, the fascination for the unpredictable and a keen sense for the right moment.

So what's greater than to creep into the warm bed while there is a storm outside? – perhaps to sleep in Stormclouds and wake up in the fresh air cleared by rain and wind.

The ZigZagZurich Artist bedding collection brings to home textiles a new dimension of art and design. We work with artists and designers from around the world across a broad spectrum of the art world, transferring their work or ideas onto textiles and developing products that are unique to the market. Our aim is to add a new level of bed linens never seen before - luxury bedding with original art that supports our artists directly with every product sold.

We use high quality materials for printing the collection on, not synthetic fibers, with the same quality standard of Italian production we stand behind on all our ranges.

Lovingly made in Italy, Art created with passion - Luxury Beddding for you.

Click Here to buy now

Schweizer Familie x ZigZagZurich - Stormclouds Bedding From Carmen BoogSchweizer Familie x ZigZagZurich - Stormclouds Bedding From Carmen BoogSchweizer Familie x ZigZagZurich - Stormclouds Bedding From Carmen BoogSchweizer Familie x ZigZagZurich - Stormclouds Bedding From Carmen Boog

Written by ZZZ Team