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October 12, 2024

Tips on How to Clean a Shower Curtain

Artist Shower Curtain


It's important to keep your shower curtain clean, not just to make it last longer, but also for your own hygiene and health. If you wash your shower curtain regularly, you can stop it from getting a build-up of soap scum, mould and mildew.

Below we share some simple and effective tips to help keep your shower curtain clean and fresh whether it be cotton, linen or plastic.  

How to Clean a Shower Curtain Without Taking it Down

Artist Shower Curtains "The Bathroom" by Sophie Probst

Artist Shower Curtains "The Bathroom" by Sophie Probst

If you cant take your shower curtain down from the pole or track dont worry, heres how to clean it easily and quickly: 

1. Wipe Down With A Clean Cloth  

Soak a microfiber cloth or sponge with warm water and detergent ( try not to use bleach as this is very aggressive ) . Wipe down the curtain with the cloth or the sponge, focusing on areas where stains are visible - give them a good wash down and rinse.

2. Spray with a Cleaning Solution

Spray the curtain with a cleaning solution. You can make your own natural cleaning solution by mixing equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle, or use a bathroom cleaner ( cleaners that use oxygenisation rather than bleach are advised )  - . Spray the entire curtain and make sure to pay extra attention to the bottom or areas where the dirt or mold tends to form.

3. Scrub Lightly

If you're struggling with some stubborn stains, try to gently scrub them with a soft-bristle brush or sponge. This way, you can remove any grime without damaging the fabric.

4. Rinse with the Showerhead

Once done, you can use the showerhead to wash off the detergent, cleaning solution, and grime. Make sure to wash it off thoroughly to avoid leaving any residue.

5. Dry Properly

Lastly, once you're done cleaning, leave your curtain to air dry. You can leave the window open or turn on the bathroom fan for better airflow.


How to Clean a Shower Curtain With a Washing Machine

Artist Shower Curtain "Blossom" by Sophie Probst

Artist Shower Curtain "Blossom" by Sophie Probst

Cotton Shower Curtain

If you have a cotton shower curtain, putting the curtain in the washing machine is the easiest way to clean it.

1. Remove the Curtain

Start by carefully taking down your shower curtain from its rod and remove the curtain rings - dont put these in the machine !  You can also check any labels which may have care instructions.

2. Pre-Treat Stains

Next, check if your curtain has stains, mold, or mildew spots. If you find any of these, you can pre-treat them with a stain remover or mix a natural cleaning solution of half a cup of water and a cup of white vinegar. Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes before washing.

3. Put the Curtain in the Washer and Set the Right Setting

Put your curtain in the washing machine along with the washing powder or detergent and select the right setting - we recommend 30 degrees. You can also add half a cup of vinegar to help remove stains and bad odors

4. Avoid Harsh Products

Generally, it's best to avoid bleach or fabric softeners so you won't damage the fibers or cause discoloration. If you really need to use bleach, opt for a color-safe bleach or even better a oxgensisation based cleaner like Oxi Clean.

5. Dry the Curtain

Once the wash cycle is complete, you can hang the curtain back up again in the shower or lay it flat to air-dry. Avoid using a dryer, because heat can shrink or warp the cotton.  Finally iron the front of the curtain on a low heat - we recommend to do this.

Linen Shower Curtain

A linen shower curtain uses the sanme cleaning process as cotton shower curtains.  

1. Remove and Pre-Treat Stains

If there are any visible mold or mildew or stians on the curtain, you can pre-treat them with a gentle stain remover or a solution of water and detergent for 10-15 minutes.

2. Use the Right Settings and Detergent

Put the linen curtain in your washing machine and make sure to select a low temperature - 30 Degrees is recommended.Try and use a low spin cycle as well to stop the linen crunching up too much in the wash.

For detergent,use a small amount of mild, non-bleach detergent. Harsh cleaners and fabric softeners should be avoided because they can be too strong for linen material.

3. Air Dry

Once you're done washing, remove the curtain and hang it back on the shower or in a room with good airflow to dry.  

Finally iron the front of the curtain on a low heat - we recommend to do this.


How to Wash Shower Curtain by Hand

Artist Shower Curtain "The Aquarium" by Karina Eib

Artist Shower Curtain "The Aquarium" by Karina Eibatova

Cotton Shower Curtain

Washing cotton shower curtains by hand is a easy way to keep them clean without using a washing machine. To do this, you're going to need a mild detergent, vinegar, baking soda, a soft brush or sponge, and a sink or large tub.

1. Fill the Bathtub with Water and Add Detergent 

The first thing you need to do is fill a large tub or your bathtub with warm water and pour around 1-2 tablespoon of mild detergent. Add vinegar if you need extra cleaning power for tough stains or to keep mildew and mold away.

2. Soak and Gently Scrub

Submerge the curtain in the water and wait for 15-30 minutes for it to soak to  loosen any dirt, soap scum, and mildew. After waiting for 30 minutes, rub them gently with a soft brush or sponge. If the stains won't go away, you can sprinkle a little baking soda onto the brush and scrub those spots again.

3. Rinse and Let Dry

After all the stains have been removed, drain the soapy water and wash  the curtain with clean water until there's no residue left. Then, hang the curtain on a clothesline or back in the shower to dry.  We recommend to iron the front side when dry.

Linen Shower Curtain

Handwashing a linen curtain can work help to maintain its texture and durability. Here's how you can do it:

1. Prepare a Cleaning Solution and Soak the Curtain in Your Bathtub

Before you start, fill a large sink or basin with lukewarm water and pour a small amount of detergent or homemade natural cleaner . Mix until it's evenly distributed. Submerge your curtain in the water and let it soak for 10 to 15 minutes.

2. Rub Gently

To remove any grime or dirt, rub the stained spots gently using a soft sponge or cloth. Don't scrub them too hard as it may damage the fabric.

3. Rinse, Squeeze, and Dry

Drain the soapy water, refill your basin with clean water, and rinse your shower curtain thoroughly. You may need to rinse it a couple of times to make sure it's fresh and clean, free from any dirt.

Once your your shower curtain is clean, gently squeeze out excess water.  Avoid using a dryer. Instead, hang the curtain back up to dry naturally or in a well-ventilated room to let it dry.  We recommend to iron the front side once dry.


How to Remove Mold from Shower Curtain

Artist Shower Curtain "Animal Kingdom" by Karina Eibatova

Artist Shower Curtain "Animal Kingdom" by Karina Eibatova

Cleaning mold from a shower curtain needs to be done carefully because you'll want to remove all the mold while making sure that the fabric is not damaged.   If possible use natural cleaners as this help maintain the natural fibres of the fabric.

1. Pre-Treat Moldy Areas

Start with pre-treating the areas that are affected by mold. For cotton and linen curtains, you can mix equal parts vinegar and water and spray the affected areas with the solution. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes so the vinegar can work on the fabric.  You can also use baking soda as well - apply to the shower curtain and let it soak in for 15-30 minutes.  

2. Scrub Lightly

After the solution has soaked in, use a soft-bristle brush or a cloth to scrub the mold away from your curtain. Don't scrub it too hard as you can damage the fibers. The areas where mold has accumulated, especially near the bottom of the curtain are nortmally where you need to clean the most.

3. Wash and Dry

Wash your curtain thoroughly with clean water after scrubbing so there won't be any soap residue - we recommend to then machine or handwash. Don't use a dryer as it can damage or shrink the fabric and then iron the front of the shower curtain. 

To prevent future mold from coming back, make sure that your bathroom is well-ventilated and let your shower curtain have a chance to dry - just like any waterproof natural fabrics or waterproof sports clothing - if they are left in a damp, wet, dirty environment with no air - then mold can naturally occur.


How Often Should You Wash Your Shower Curtain? 

Artist Shower Curtain "Ode" by Byzance

Artist Shower Curtain "Ode" by Byzance

Depending on the condition of your bathroom, you're generally recommended to wash your shower curtain every 1-3 months. If your bathroom is humid and poorly ventilated, mold and mildew can sometimes develop more quickly, so you're going to need to wash it more often, at least once a month.

If you want to avoid buildup between washes so that your curtain can stay clean longer, you can try rinsing and drying your curtain after each shower to remove any soap residue and moisture. You can also wipe it down or spray the shower curtain with a solution of half water and half vinegar weekly to keep it fresh.


Tips for Maintaining a Clean Shower Curtain

Artist Shower Curtain "Ramp" by Céline Cornu

Artist Shower Curtain "Ramp" by Céline Cornu

After washing a shower curtain, no doubt you'll want to know how to keep it fresh and clean for a long time

1. Keep your Bathroom Well-Ventilated

Mold can form because of moisture and poor ventilation - make sure  your bathroom has proper ventilation. Use an exhaust fan or open a window after the shower to allow air to circulate and help dry the curtain more quickly.

2. Shake Out the Curtain After Each Use

Apart from opening windows for proper ventilation, you can also shake the curtain after showering to remove excess water. This is useful to prevent water from pooling at the bottom, which is where mildew and mold often grow.

3. Use a Shower Curtain Liner

If your bathroom gets really dirty, a shower curtain liner is very useful to keep your curtain clean. Shower liners act as a protective barrier, reducing direct contact between the curtain and water. What's more, they are easier to clean and replace especially if they havr to deal with lots of dirt and oil.

4. Regular Cleaning 

Set up a regular cleaning routine for your curtain. You can wipe down or spray your shower curtain with water and vinegar each week, and wash it at least once a month to keep it clean, fresh, and free of any dirt or odor.

5. Let Some Air Around 

Each time you're done with the shower, always try to spread out the shower curtain instead of leaving it all bunched up. Doing so will help air circulate around the entire curtain, helping it to dry faster

If you're on the hunt for a new shower curtain that's both high-quality and stylish, check out ZigZagZurich. They've got some of the best shower curtains out there, designed by renowned artists and made of natural fabrics - cotton and linen. Our high-quality curtains are a great way to add a unique touch and personality to any bathroom, and they're built to last!

Written by ZZZ Team

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