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October 09, 2015

Japanese Drawings of North Americans During the 1800’s

Japanese Drawings of North Americans During the 1800’s-ZigZagZurich

While researching Japanese ancient textile design, we came across this fascinating article showing Japanese drawings & prints during the 1860’s.  A type of  blockprint called ukiyo-e, these pictures were Yokohama-e, the prints were done by local artists showing the North Americas during the 1860’s while passing through the fishing village of Yokohama.

The pictures are fascinating as they depict both the North American type of textiles as well as the local Japanese textiles of which the prints become clearly differentiating.



You can read the full article and many other fascinating ones at the Public Domain Review.

Source of images Library of Congress

The post Japanese Drawings of North Americans During the 1800’s appeared first on ZigZagZurich.

Written by ZZZ Team

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